No matter where you are in life, whether you are on the mountaintop, or in the valley. No matter your circumstance, or health, or finances.  Whatever may seem to be the thing that the devil has thrown right in your path to try and make you self destruct emotionally.  God is always worthy to be praised! Your circumstance does not have to define your joy.  God is your joy.  God is your peace, He is your strength and your comforter.  No matter what the enemy tries to do for destruction, or steals from you. God is bigger and will turn it around for good.  He will make a way for you to be ok.  At the moment it may not seem like it, but a day will come you will look back and say wow that is why that happened. Trials strengthen and grow us.  They also bring us closer and closer to God.  Spend time with Him daily.  Read His word, and talk to Him.  How much more He wants to know us and have that intimate time with Him.  Just curl up on His lap and allow Him to make everything better they way a Father does.   I pray that whatever you are going through that you lift up the name of Jesus in praise and glory.  He is so worthy of our praise.  Lift your voice to Him. He loves you!



Day 2 of 2016 and with this comes reflection of the past year.  I think all of us tend to reflect on the past year and hope for new things new year to come.  I myself am hopeful for changes in me physically, emotionally, and definitely spiritually.  I have been praying for a month now about the fast I am on right now. Giving God my first in this new year. I am on 21 day fast of high protein and no carbs, in hopes to clean out all the bad and allow God to fill me with good. I also hope to begin again the weight loss journey I have been on but had hit a plateau.  I know that I can do this with Gods help.  Hopeful for a good year full of many blessings from God and new changes in me.  I want so badly to be more of a woman after Gods own heart.  Have a wonderful day…

So Its Been Awhile..

sunsetaly (1 of 1)And when all else fails to give you peace of mind go out and be alone with nature and you will see God everywhere.  Quiet time alone with yourself and God is always good for the soul.  So I do hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and lets hope 2016 is a much better year for us all.  Sorry I have been away for so long but I am back and hopeful to begin writing and blogging at least once a week again.  Writing is and always has been good therapy for myself, and a way to get that creativity out and flowing.  I have missed sharing my thoughts and words, and hope to have a few things to write about in the coming year.  Until then Have a Safe and Happy New Year… and I will see you all again in 2016!

Dance like the star you are


So you think you can dance?
Anyone can dance, but can you dance like nobody is watching?
Can you sing like the star of the show?
Can you shine like the brightest of diamonds?
Can you glimmer like sun hitting snow?
I know I can!
I can do all things through Christ Jesus!

Theres been so many times I’ve doubted myself in my life. So many times I’ve let the world convince me that I will never be good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, skinny enough, or perfect enough. They are right about one thing, I will never be perfect. There is only one who is perfect that is Jesus. Jesus doesn’t expect us to be perfect. He loves us as we are. I believe if we are trying to be the best we can be, and live our lives in obedience to God and believe with all our hearts that Jesus is the one true Savior that is all God asks from us. Are we going to make mistakes in our lives? Yes we are! Its what you do with those mistakes, do you learn from them? The world is going yo be the first to condemn you. Do not believe the labels society puts on you. If you do you will be walking around with labels all over you. They will weigh you down and bring you down to the point you will begin to believe it yourself. You wont be able to walk let alone dance. We all have some on us that we have allowed ourselves to begin to believe. I for one have quite a few over my life. Each time a person spoke something about me i grabbed that an believed it about myself. Especially if they spoke it enough. God is always with you!! He is always on your side, and He always loves you. He is always watching you and helping you grow, and learn and be a better person. Begin to let the Lord remove the labels and the doubts that you have allowed the world or enemy to place on you. Let Him show you what a shining, glimmering, star you are. As you dance before Him, dance like nobody is watching, but know that somebody is! God is and He is smiling down with joy in his heart at the amazing star He made in you!


Can you be any clearer Lord?

So have you ever had a day where God speaks so clearly to you that there is no denying it is Him? Well I’ve had those days and yesterday was one one of them!! Last night my son was not home and as I Sat here at the house talking with my husband… Just he and I in earshot, and I was telling him that I know in my heart I am supposed to be writing. He kinda just shrugged it off. Lol and said “yah I know you enjoy that” and Im like “no you don’t understand…..Writing is what I am supposed to be doing, like its my gift… its what God wants me to do” and he said “ok then write.” So I said well i first need a laptop and then I can start the book I was prophesied over and told I am supposed to write…. But I dont know what to write about or where to begin. I guess God is just going to have to show me.” So the hubs continues watching tv and I tend to my 3 month old baby nephew. Well about 20 minutes later my son whom wasn’t home texts me, and the text said “hey mom… U know that short story u wrote about that man and Jesus?” I said “yeah!” He said “you should make it longer and make it into a book…. add more to it and, get it published!” I was kinda shocked and excited and giddy all at once lol. I then asked my son “where did this come from?” He said idk Im bored and I was just sitting here thinking and that is what came to my mind.” I am always amazed at the ways God communicates with us sometimes! Lol I still get those holy spirit goosebumps this morning telling ya’ll about this. So guess what I have to start on? Haha.
My Book.!!!!!! Wow I am a total noob about this…and where do i start? and how do i find a publisher when I am done? So if any of you out there have any ideas, or are a smart cookie about that sort of thing… Please leave this Texas chic a comment with all the help you can give lol. Well it’s early, and I have 30 mins to hit snooze before the kids get up for school! so I am going to take advantage and stare at the underside of my eyelids for thirty! Wishing everyone a blessed and Happy Friday! 😊


Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!

Heres a little song i wrote.. You might wanna sing it note for note… Don’t worry. Be happy🎶🎵lol
I think I am showing my age!!! But seriously ya’ll God is so good! Isn’t He??
Even if you woke up and the day hasnt gone so well, rejoice in Him!! You woke up after all and He has given you today! Now what are you going to do with it?? I intend to make the most of it!! Heres a song God gave me. Im so blessed He uses me to write such amazing things to praise Him…. I am so in love with Him! Let Him love on you today!! And be blessed!

Ive written a thousand love songs
But none ever so true
none that could tell the love story
like the one im writing you
Ive given my heart away before
Ive Felt those butterflies
But nothing else compares to
Your holy spirit highs

I need to shout it from the rooftops
I want the world to feel it too
Theres just not another love
Like the one ive found in You
Want to sing it to the multitudes
Raise my hands up high
When im in your presence i feel like i could fly.
No other love will do
I want the love ive found in You.

Ive danced under moonlight
Sailed the mighty sea
Now that im lost in your spirit
No other place id want to be.
Ive searched for something missing
Never could i find
Someone to be my everything
Heal my heart, my soul, my mind.

I breathe you in, and exhale peace
I wanna praise you all day long
When im weak and in the darkness
Your love makes me strong
And no other love will do.
No other one but you

I need to shout it from the rooftops
I want the world to feel it too
Theres just not another love
Like the one ive found in You
Want to sing it to the multitudes
Raise my hands up high
When im in your presence i feel like i could fly.
No other love will do
I want the love ive found in You.

Please link to my blog rather than copy and paste my writings. Thank you God bless😊


Life is a journey. It begins the day we breathe our first breath. Along this beaten path we go through alot. The road can be long and winding, and I’m ever so grateful I’m riding this journey with the Lord as my pilot. I co pilot, and as many of you may do the same think i know which direction is best for me. Ever heard if a backseat driver? Lol well thats me. Ever heard of Jesus take the wheel? Lol well I’m opposite I’m always trying to take the wheel but praise God He doesn’t let me be pilot for long and puts me back in the passenger seat where i belong. Lol. This blog is a place for me to share my ups and downs, and winding roads along this path called life. This is my journey with Christ.